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Grandfatherly Love
<<2007-08-18 - 5:48 p.m.>>

Sorry for my absence. It was not intentional. Gotta tell you about a conversation I had with my grandfather earlier today. Must say though, this conversation may not be suitable for our male viewers.

Before I delve into the actual conversation, allow me to give you some background information. My grandfather runs a charitable organization that provides disaster relief as well as helping normal poor and needy people. He gets donations of all sorts from food, to furniture, to room partitions. When he has an over abundance of stuff, meaning he may have a lack of storage space, he sometimes goes to his needy granddaughter and grandson and see if they could use any of the excess. Now, about Darin: Darin, my brother, lives next door to my grandparents. The following conversation takes place as I was driving up the driveway to help my brother clean his house for my parents arrival next week. As I drive up, my grandfather (GF) drives by in his Kawasaki Mule and motions to me to role down my window:

GF: Do you or your roommate ever use Kotex?

Denise: Stunned silence

GF: I've got a whole room full of them. All sizes. The food bank gave me even more than I had before. They're lining the walls and all along the floor. I've got Kotex, Tampax, and a couple other brands.

Denise: Um, Tampax.

GF: Now do they come in 3 or 4 different sizes?

Denise: Uh, yes.

***Hold it!!! If I thought for a second that he was being too personal before, that is nothing compared to what question could possibly come next. My grandfather does not need to know what size tampons my roommate and I use.***

GF: OK, I'll have 'em separated so you can go through them if you want.

Denise: Sigh of relief

GF: Oh yeah!! ***At this point he laughs and puts his head on his steering wheel.*** BRAS!!! I've got so many bras I don't know what to do with them. I've got some that are smooth, some that have no material there at all, and some big enough to blow up a balloon in. They are from the Gap. I've heard that the Gap is a good place. If you need any let me know.

Denise: Stunned silence

I never, ever thought I would have a conversation such as that with my grandfather. Things are getting way too personal around here.

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