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Elastic Nards
<<2007-09-03 - 12:04 p.m.>>

Well, here I am, at work...hoping that nobody important walks through and catches me using company time to tell the world my business.

Did you know that there is an American Dairy Goat Association? I had no idea that diary goats were that high in demand that they need their own association. What's further is the designation of "American." Are there other countries with their own dairy goat associations? Is there an international diary goat convention somewhere? What do they talk about? Various different ways to castrate other than the traditional elastic band around the nards? Interesting thing to think about.

I also saw that there was a town called Fair Play. I don't think I would like to live in that town. Too much pressure. To have to constantly live up to the name of the town and be fair with everybody, that's exhausting.

Oh! I hear the clack clack clack of my boss's heels. I gotta close out now.

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