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Movie Spoilage, one of the 7 Deadly Sins
<<2007-08-27 - 10:34 p.m.>>

Yet another entertainment disappointment. TBS. They've been showing some pretty good movies lately, but their advertising is terrible. It's their past two feature films that have really upset me. Last week, they were showing a personal favorite of mine: "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" Love this movie with all that I am. Never knew that George Clooney could act a role other than the dreamy, hunk type. Anyway, the commercials for the movie showed the clip of Everett standing with his hands tied with a huge amount of water rushing towards him. To anyone who hasn't seen the movie, or to anyone who hasn't seen it in a really long time, that ruins the whole ending! Oh but wait, it gets better.

This week TBS is showing "Se7en." In the commercial, they are advertising the stars of the movies as Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman, and Kevin Spacey. You're not supposed to mention Kevin Spacey. When the movie was first released into the movie theatres, Kevin Spacey specifically asked that his name not be in the billing. He knew that the knowledge of him being in it could ruin the whole affect of the movie.

Is TBS just assuming that everyone has already seen these movies? There are a few people that will only watch a movie like "Se7en" on TBS because they know they couldn't handle it in the theatres or even from the Blockbuster. Why ruin it for them? I love movies. If a friend of mine goes to see a movie before I can go, I refuse to be there when they are talking about it. Even if they use the phrase, "This won't ruin it for you." I want everything to be new to me. I want to make my own discoveries in the movie. I don't want an ad on the TV to ruin it for me, or for anyone else. I'm so disappointed.

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