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***WARNING: Serious Entry***
<<2007-09-11 - 9:12 p.m.>>

***WARNING: this is not a funny or even semi-clever entry. If that is what you are looking for, you might want to read some of the past entries***

Today, as I was driving down the I20, I started to think about the World Trade Center. I had heard earlier on the radio that one family member of one who died in the second tower said that so far, she hasn't heard any evidence that her brother could've been saved.

My mind then began to wonder. My friend Nathan had a comic book that was a series of images in honor of those who were effected the most by 9/11. I remembered one image of the people on the flight that crashed in the Pennsylvania field. That was the same flight that was responsible for phrase, "Let's Roll." I pictured in my head those people on that plane with their determination and fear. And alone in my car, I wept.

I could turn this into a big political point, but I don't think I need to do that. Anyone who knows me knows where I stand politically. Even if I haven't said it outright, you guys know. People from high school that I haven't talked to in 6 years could guess where my political affiliations lie. However, tonight, I turned inward for analysis. I wondered would I have had the courage to sacrifice my life like those people did? Would I have been in the back of the crowd ultimately killed by the crash or would I have been the first down that aisle to have my death by the hand of the worst kind of human being? Would have I relied on the strength of Christ or the strength of denise? What kind of person am I? I do know that I haven't forgotten what happened that day. I still mourn the loss of so many lives that I didn't even know.

I have a bracelet that bears the name of one of the pilots of Flight UA #93; the flight that crashed in the field. I also have another bracelet bearing the name of a passenger on the plane that struck the south tower of the World Trade Center. Tomorrow, I will wear these bracelets to remind me of the day all of our lives changed. And also, to remind me to work on becoming the person who's confident that she would be the first down that aisle to rip that animal's heart out.

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